Friday, March 14, 2008


Ok so you will all be relieved to know I found my camera (more pictures of inanimate objects to come).

Here is a rather strange random deal but one that you might want to do for the fun of it. At this link you can print off a form that you can send in to the Polident company with four proofs of purchase and your receipt. For every four that you send in they send you a $10 gift card which can be used at Red Lobster or Olive Garden. It doesn't matter what size or what variety of polident you buy. At Wal-mart you can get a box for about 2.50 and then with the coupons from this link you can get $1.00 off that. So you get four printable coupons spend like $6 and get a $10.00 gift card back. Now you are saying Bekah what the heck am I going to do with all this Polident. The answer is use it to clean your toilet. I drop one in let it dissolve run the brush around and viola lovely clean toilet. Doesn't matter is you get polident overnight, polident for partials, polident 5 minute, polident for smokers you name it. I also hear it works great on cleaning fish tanks and as I remember from my youth for soaking a retainer overnight.


i'm h.mac said...

that is hilarious, you are a clever coupon diva!