Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rite Aid and Walgreens Here We Go Again

Some really very decent deals out there this week.

Rite Aid

Listerine Smart Rinse, 2.99
Less $2.99 SCR
Listerine Smart Rinse $1/1: printable link
Final Price: FREE -1 depending on if your store takes printables

Blue Coral Car Wash, 2.00
Less $2 SCR
Final Price: FREE

Citre Shine Colour Prism Shampoo, Conditioner or Gelee, 3.99
Less $3.99 SCR (4/27-4/29 ONLY)
Final Price: FREE

Charles Worthington Big Hair or Big Waves Hair Care, 4.99
Less $4.99 SCR (4/27-4/29 ONLY)
Final Price: FREE

Salon Grafix Shaping Mousse, 5.99
Less $5.99 SCR (4/27-4/29 ONLY)
Final Price: FREE

The Doctor's Night Guard, 14.49
($5 Printable Coupon YMMV)
Less $14.49 SCR (4/27-5/3 ONLY)
Final Price: FREE to you make a $5 profit if your store accepts printables in this area 24th St. will.

Benadryl Allergy, 4.99
Use: Benadryl Allergy product, any excluding trial size $1/1 (9-30-08) RP-3/16 AND $3/1 Rite Aid printable coupon since this is a RA one I think they take it anywhere.
Less $1 SCR
Final Price: FREE

For the entire Rite Aid list click here.


We are into a new rebate book so here are the items that are Free After Rebate all until the end of May.

Walgreens Maxi Pads 12-24pk

EARinse Ear Cleansing Spray 1oz

Walgreens Standard Lightbulbs 4pk

Kickers Energy Spray .7oz

Oral-B CrossAction Manual Toothbrush USE: Oral-B manual toothbrush, any including Pulsar, Advantage, CrossAction, or Indicator .75/1 (5-31-08) P&G-4/6

Orajel Kids Plaque Revealing Rinse 12ozUSE: Orajel Cold Sore Brush or Orajel Sore Throat Relief Strips, or Orajel Tooth Desensitizer, or any Orajel Product $1/1 (4-30-08) SS1-1/6

Nexcare Cold Sore Lip Treatment .07oz

By combining the Con Agra rebate with the 7 day coupon on the Butterball Broth and the Pork and Beans you can do really well here is how it works.

Buy 8 Butterball Chicken Broths at regular price they ring up $1.29 x 8=$10.32 use 7 day coupon which will bring the total down to $4 and then you get a $5 rebate. So you make a dollar and get 8 cans of broth.

On the pork and beans buy 11 cans regular price .99= $10.89 7 day coupons brings it down to $4.29 - 5 dollar rebate = -.71.

That is really the best that I see. For the whole list click here.

So let me know if you find any other exciting deals. I think the aluminum foil at Walgreens is a pretty good deal I just wonder why there are never coupons on that stuff. Have a great shopping week everybody and I hope you'll all report on your adventures.



Mickey Family said...

Hey Bekah! Just wanted to say I love your blog and read it every week,then go out and get my deals! Thanks for your posts! :) [My sister found your blog through a friend of a friend or something like that!]

stacirai said...

Great news, Walgreens rebates are now online for all states!