Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Frees and Dirt Cheap

It is time for an update on Free and Dirt Cheap stuff out there right now. The Glade Scented Oil Warmers are $2.49 or so at Wal-Mart and I have even seen them at Smiths for that price. With the coupon from 3/16 for $3 off they are free. Just keep in mind those coupons expire on 4/26. This is just kind of a fun freebie. Depending on your cashier you make actually have an overage on this item

The next freebie is kind of a strange one to report but it is a money maker. Small packages of regular KY are sold at Wal-Mart for around $2.50 with the $3 coupons from 2/16 you end up making a profit on these as well.

Huggies Clean team products coupons can be printed at this Link They are $3/2 coupons. With those you can buy the refill packs of flushable wipes at Wal-Mart for under .20 a pack. They are in the Health and Beauty area not the baby department. You could also use these at Albertsons where they sell the face and hand wipes for $1.29. You would probably need to buy three packs to make the $3 price mark but still that is only .29 per pack. If you can print multiple coupons from multiple computers it works out best to use two coupons buy 5 packages and you only spend .49.

Suave lotion can be bought in the travel/sample section at Target for .97 with the $1 coupons from 2/10 these are also free.

So those are my hot tips for the day. Hope you'll let us all know if you find anything else.


2 comments: said...

Thanks for all the info. on the deals. You are really good at finding them. I got the Huggies clean team wipes at Albies this morning.

schlaufrau said...

Your Highness....You're my best friend! (and I'm glad I'm not a vegetarian :) Thanks for your sharp, deal-finding eyes. Did everyone get their Monkey Butt Powder????