Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Albertsons and Smiths


They are doing a promotion with Quaker products the best way I can see to work it is to do this.

Use Quaker Baked Snacks, any box $1/1 (5-10-08) SS1-3/16
on any of these products and when you buy ten and get your instant $3 savings you are only looking at .20 per box. Products that will work are Quaker Breakfast Cookies, Morning Minis, Cereal Bars, Muffin Bars, or Oatmeal to Go Breakfast Bars.
Also included in this promotion is Quaker Life Cereal at this link you can get $! coupons and you can get two if you hit the back button a couple of times after the first one prints. $1/1 printable coupon for Cinnamon Life at this link or this link.

So with enough coupons you can get as much as 10 boxes of stuff for $2.

Zone Perfect Nurtition Bars $1.00
Zone Perfect Nutrition Bars, any single, 5-count box or 8-count Snack Size box $1/1 (6-30-08) SS-3/30
Final Price: Free

BeechNut stage 2 baby food 4 oz.
Beech-Nut DHA plus Jars, any $1/6 (4-30-08) SS2-1/6,
Beech-Nut Good Morning or Good Evening Jars, any $1/6 (6-30-08) SS-3/30, Beech-Nut Jars, any $1.50/8 (6-30-08) SS-3/30,
Beech-Nut Jars, any $1/8 (4-30-08) SS2-1/6
Final Price: Varies based on what coupon you use but this is a 5 star deal

For the entire Albertsons List click here.

Lots of their mix and match items from last week are still on sale so you can still get free mustard, cheap bleah, fish crackers etc. You may want to check last weeks entry on Smiths for more info.

In addition here are a couple of new deals.
Yoplait Yogurt, 4-6 oz .50
Yoplait Whips! Yogurt, any flavor cup Buy 4 Get 1 FREE up to .94 (6-7-08) SS-4/13
Yoplait Yogurt cups, any variety or any flavor Original or Light Smoothie .40/6 (5-24-08) SS-3/30
Yoplait Yogurt Cups, any variety or any flavor Original or Light Smoothie .40/6 (4-19-08) SS-2/24
You can combine the free whips coupon and the .40 on 6 coupon if you got at least 5 whips and then any yogurt you want you could get them for .36 a piece.

Revlon Nail Clippers Files etc 50%
Use Revlon Beauty Tool, any $1/1 (4-30-08) SS2-1/13
Revlon Beauty Tool, any $1/1 (8-6-08) SS-4/6
Final Price: Makes clippers and files and a couple things like that free with an overage if they'll give it to you.

The entire Smith's list can be found here.


schlaufrau said...

Horray! I was just lamenting that I missed the mustard last week--thanks for pointing out my second chance. Why is it such kick to get something for nothing?